Alpha Course

Many people today are not really interested in the Christian faith. It seems boring to them and without significance. Nevertheless many are searching for true meaning in life. The Alpha course gives the opportunity to talk about the crucial questions of life. This offer is for all people who are interested and curious. The Alpha course was developed in London. It is offered by different denominations and various churches. Today, about 66,000 Alpha courses take place worldwide. Topics like the following are discussed:


Anyone who wants to attend an Alpha course can sign up here on the   contact-form. Please write us a message! We will contact you!

Here is the download of the Alpha-Login-Flyer.

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Topics of the Alpha course

Topics like the following are discussed:

-Who is Jesus?
-Why did Jesus have to die?
-Prayer: How and why should we pray?
-A scroll with(out) seven seals – the Bible
-Who is the Holy Spirit?
-How can I deal with evil?
-Does God heal sickness today?
-and many more…

What does Alpha look like?

The Alpha course consists of 10 units. The exact dates are agreed upon by the participants. A meeting lasts for about 1.5 hours. As the Alpha units are built upon each other with regard to content, regular participation is recommended. An important part of the Alpha course is a workshop on a Saturday. We will have a trip together to allow us to get to know each other and to think things through in a beautiful environment away from the daily routine.